
Who and for what can one apply?

Grant applications from organizations/schools for the development of new forms within teaching/education. Activities that are independent from the public usually have higher priority than activities within municipal jurisdiction.

Note that applications regarding school trips, study trips, and conferences, etc., are not prioritized.

Application procedure

Apply under the 'Applications' tab above. The following documents should be attached to your application:

  • Two references. One reference should be someone with thorough knowledge of the project and who is external to the organization.
  • Project budget
  • Annual report. Please note that the attached annual report must also include detailed income statements and balance sheets that provide essential information and are transparent about the organization's activities. An annual report that, for example, consolidates all expenses into a single line item does not offer this level of detail. If the applicant's attached annual report provides insufficient information, we will consider this an incomplete application that cannot proceed to evaluation.
  • Activity report
  • Bylaws

There are two application periods, February and August. Applications can only be submitted during these periods.